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Smash Bros. Arena Recreation

Project Type

3D Environment


Fall 2020


Environment Modeler, Texture Artist

Software Used

Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine

This was a group class project where we were tasked with creating a new game with environment pieces from other games. My group and I chose two stages from the game Smash Bros. Brawl: the 'Final Destination' stage and the 'Temple' stage. I was responsible for modeling the Temple Stage pieces and the Final Destination stage.
We used the pieces to create a Pogostuck-style climbing game with difficult controls & terrain.
After the project was completed, I was approached by a student from Centrale Lyon online via Artstation. They wanted to 3D print my Final Destination stage model and use them as trophies for their Smash Bros. tournament at their university. I couldn't say yes fast enough! I was happy to help and I'm glad they enjoyed their tournament.

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